Galeoto Giovanni

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University Università degli Studi di ROMA "La Sapienza" 
College/Department Department  Facoltà dipartimentale di Medicina 

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Lunedì dalle 10.00 alle ore 11.00 viale dell'Università 30 Sapienza Università di Roma


Nome GALEOTO GIOVANNI Indirizzo RESIDENTE A TARANTO IN VIA SACCONI 2/H DOMICILIATO A ROMA IN VIA OTTOBONI 96 E-mail ORCID SCOPUS ID 56708902200 ABILITAZIONE SCIENTIFICA NAZIONALE II FASCIA SETTORE 06/N1 PROFESSORE II FASCIA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE MED/48 ABILITAZIONE SCIENTIFICA NAZIONALE II FASCIA SETTORE 06/N1 PROFESSORE I FASCIA SETTORE SCIENTIFICO DISCIPLINARE MED/48 ESPERIENZA LAVORATIVA • Date (da – a) 23 dicembre 2021 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Ricercatore Tipologia A MED/48 • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Ricercatore Universitario • Date (da – a) Novembre 2018 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Responsabile del tirocinio CLM in Scienze Riabilitative Professioni Sanitarie • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Direttore Didattico CLM • Date (da – a) Novembre 2018 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Responsabile della Scheda di Monitoraggio Annuale e del Riesame Ciclico • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Redigere la scheda di monitoraggio annuale per il CdS in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie • Date (da – a) Luglio 2017 a maggio 2020 • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Assegnista di Ricerca MED/48 • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Ricercatore in Ambito Riabilitativo • Date (da – a) Dal 2017 ad oggi • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Referente Unico TECO per i CdS delle Professioni Sanitarie • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Referente TECO • Date (da – a) Dal 2017 ad oggi • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Istituto Superiore di Sanità • Tipo di impiego Referente Progetto di Ricerca per la Creazione dei Corsi FAD • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Creazione Corsi FAD in ambito Riabilitativo • Date (da – a) Dal 2017 ad oggi • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro ANVUR • Tipo di impiego Referente TECO per il CdS in Terapia Occupazionale • Principali mansioni e responsabilità Validazione del TECO per il CdS in Terapia Occupazionale • Date (da – a) Dicembre 2006 ad oggi • Nome e indirizzo del datore di lavoro Università degli studi di Roma La Sapienza • Tipo di azienda o settore Università • Tipo di impiego Fisioterapista ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE • Date (da – a) 26 febbraio 2021 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Dottorato di Ricerca in Neuroscienze clinico Assistenziali e Psichiatriche • Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello studio Curriculum di Neuroriabilitazione • Qualifica conseguita Diploma di dottore di Ricerca • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) Votazione Ottimo • Date (da – a) 20 ottobre 2021 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Dottorando di Ricerca in Advances in Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Legal Medicine and Public Health Sciences • Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello studio Curriculum di Sanità Pubblica • Date (da – a) 13 novembre 2020 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Abilitazione Scientifico Nazionale nel SSC 06/N1 • Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello studio MED/48 • Qualifica conseguita Abilitazione Scientifico nazionale • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) Abilitato • Date (da – a) 25 gennaio 2015 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Master di II livello in Epidemiologia e Biostatistica • Principali materie / abilità professionali oggetto dello studio Epidemiologia e Biostatistica • Qualifica conseguita Diploma di Master di II livello in Epidemiologia e Biostatistica • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) Votazione 110/110 e lode • Date (da – a) 13 dicembre 2010 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Laurea Specialistica in Scienze delle professioni Sanitarie della Riabilitazione Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza • Qualifica conseguita Laurea Magistrale • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) 110/110 e lode • Date (da – a) a.a. 2006/2007 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Master di I livello in “La Riabilitazione Posturale” università la Sapienza di Roma • Qualifica conseguita Diploma di Master di I livello • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) 110/110 e lode • Date (da – a) a.a. 2003/2006 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Laurea di I livello in Fisioterapia Università “La Sapienza” di Roma • Qualifica conseguita Laurea di I livello • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) 110/110 e lode • Date (da – a) 1998/2003 • Nome e tipo di istituto di istruzione o formazione Liceo Scientifico G. Battaglini di Taranto • Qualifica conseguita Diploma Liceo scientifico • Livello nella classificazione nazionale (se pertinente) 82/100 INCARICHI DI INSEGNAMENTO 1. a.a. 2011/2012 e 2012/2013 CdL in Terapia Occupazionale sede Montefiascone Viterbo Sapienza Università di Roma 2CFU/ 20 ore nell’insegnamento di Basi Teoriche della Terapia Occupazionale 2. a.a. 2013/2014 CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie Sapienza Università di Roma 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Pedagogia generale e sociale 3. a.a. 2014/2015 CdL in Terapia Occupazionale sede Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza Università di Roma 2CFU/ 20 ore nell’insegnamento di Riabilitazione Basata sulle Prove di Efficacia 4. a.a. 2015/2016 CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie Sapienza Università di Roma 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Epidemiologia e Statistica Medica 5. a.a. 2015/2016- 2016/2017 CdL in Terapia Occupazionale sede Policlinico Umberto I Sapienza Università di Roma 2CFU/ 20 ore nell’insegnamento di Riabilitazione Basata sulle Prove di Efficacia 6. a.a. 2015/2016- 2016/2017CdL in Terapia Occupazionale sede Montefiascone Viterbo Sapienza Università di Roma 2CFU/ 20 ore nell’insegnamento di Riabilitazione Basata sulle Prove di Efficacia 7. a.a. 2015/2016- 2016/2017CdL in Terapia Occupazionale sede Montefiascone Viterbo Sapienza Università di Roma 2CFU/ 20 ore nell’insegnamento di Basi Avanzate della Terapia Occupazionale 8. a.a. 2016/2017 CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie Sapienza Università di Roma 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Riabilitazione Basata sulle Prove di Efficacia 9. a.a. 2016/2017- ad oggi CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie Sapienza Università di Roma 8 CFU/200 ore nell’insegnamento di Tirocinio I 10. a.a. 2016/2017 ad oggi CdL Magistrale in Scienze Riabilitative delle Professioni Sanitarie Sapienza Università di Roma 7 CFU/175 ore nell’insegnamento di Tirocinio II 11. a.a. 2016/2017 ad oggi CdL in Fisioterapia Università di Tor Vergata 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Metodologia generale della riabilitazione 12. dall’a.a. 2018/2019 ad oggi CdL in Fisioterapia Università Unicamillus 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Rehabilitation Methodology 13. a.a. 2019/2020 ad oggi CdL in Fisioterapia Università Unicamillus 2 CFU/20 ore nell’insegnamento di Rehabilitation Methodology II 14. a.a. 2019/2020 ad oggi CdL in Fisioterapia Università Unicamillus Laboratorio Professionale di Metodologia della Ricerca 2 CFU/25 ore PUBBLICAZIONI SCIENTIFICHE 2015 1. Migliorini R, Comberiati AM, Galeoto G, Fratipietro M, Arrico L. Eye motility alterations in retinitis pigmentosa. J Ophthalmol 2015;2015. IF: 1.463 2. Galeoto G, Mollica R, Astorino O, Cecchi R. Informed consent in physiotherapy: Proposal for a module. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 2015;37(4):245-254. 2016 3. Galeoto G, De Santis R, Marcolini A, Cinelli A, Cecchi R. Informed consent in occupational therapy: Proposal of a form. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 2016;38(2):107-115. 4. Culicchia, G, Nobilia, M, Asturi, M, Santilli, V, Paoloni, M, De Santis, R, Galeoto, G, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand, Function Test in an Italian Population REHABILITATION RESEARCH AND PRACTICE 2016 5. Galeoto G, Sili A, Tamburlani M, Farina M, Mannocci A, Mollica R, et al. Construction and validation of a tool for the evaluation of environmental risks and limitations to the manual handling of loads: Cross-sectional study. Clin Ter 2017;168(6):e349-e356. 6. Parente M, Tofani M, De Santis R, Esposito G, Santilli V, Galeoto G. The role of the occupational therapist in disaster areas: Systematic review. Occup Ther Int 2017;2017. IF: 0.864 7. Castiglia SF, Galeoto G, Lauta A, Palumbo A, Tirinelli F, Viselli F, et al. The culturally adapted Italian version of the Barthel Index (IcaBI): Assessment of structural validity, inter-rater reliability, and responsiveness to clinically relevant improvements in patients admitted to inpatient rehabilitation centers. Funct Neurol 2017;32(4):221-228. 2018 8. De Mare A, Cantarella M, Galeoto G. Effectiveness of Integrated Neurocognitive Therapy on Cognitive Impairment and Functional Outcome for Schizophrenia Outpatients. Schizophr Res Treat 2018;2018. 9. Galeoto G, Sansoni J, Valenti D, Mollica R, Valente D, Parente M, et al. The effect of physiotherapy on fatigue and physical functioning in chronic fatigue syndrome patients: A systematic review. Clin Ter 2018;169(4):e184-e188. 10. Covotta A, Gagliardi M, Berardi A, Maggi G, Pierelli F, Mollica R, et al. Physical activity scale for the elderly: Translation, cultural adaptation, and validation of the Italian version. Curr Gerontol Geriatr Res 2018;2018. 11. Massai P, Colalelli F, Sansoni J, Valente D, Tofani M, Fabbrini G, et al. Reliability and Validity of the Geriatric Depression Scale in Italian Subjects with Parkinson's Disease. Parkinson's Dis 2018;2018. IF: 2.051 12. Murgia M, Bernetti A, Delicata M, Massetti C, Achilli EM, Mangone M, et al. Inter- and intra-interviewer reliability of Italian version of Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (I-PEDI). Ann Ig Med Prev Comunita 2018;30(2):153-161. 13. Galeoto G, Sansoni J, Scuccimarri M, Bruni V, De Santis R, Colucci M, et al. A Psychometric Properties Evaluation of the Italian Version of the Geriatric Depression Scale. Depression Res Treat 2018;2018. 14. Marquez MA, De Santis R, Ammendola V, Antonacci M, Santilli V, Berardi A, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the "spinal Cord Injury-Falls Concern Scale" in the Italian population. Spinal Cord 2018;56(7):712-718. IF: 1.898 15. Berardi A, De Santis R, Tofani M, Márquez MA, Santilli V, Rushton PW, et al. The Wheelchair Use Confidence Scale: Italian translation, adaptation, and validation of the short form. Disabil Rehabil Assistive Technol 2018;13(6):575-580. 16. Berardi A, Dhrami L, Tofani M, Valente D, Sansoni J, Galeoto G. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation in the Italian population of the wolf motor function test in patients with stroke. Funct Neurol 2018;33(4):229-253. 17. Attanasio G, Camerota F, Ralli M, Galeoto G, La Torre G, Galli M, et al. Does focal mechanical stimulation of the lower limb muscles improve postural control and sit to stand movement in elderly? Aging Clin Exp Res 2018;30(10):1161-1166. IF:2.331 18. Ruggieri M, Palmisano B, Fratocchi G, Santilli V, Mollica R, Berardi A, et al. Validated Fall Risk Assessment Tools for Use with Older Adults: A Systematic Review. Phys Occup Ther Geriatr 2018;36(4):331-353. 19. Galeoto G, Colucci M, Guarino D, Esposito G, Cosma E, De Santis R, et al. Exploring Validity, Reliability, and Factor Analysis of the Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology in an Italian Population: A Cross-Sectional Study. Occup Ther Health Care 2018;32(4):380-392. 20. Galeoto G, Colalelli F, Massai P, Berardi A, Tofani M, Pierantozzi M, et al. Quality of life in Parkinson’s disease: Italian validation of the Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39-IT). Neurol Sci 2018;39(11):1903-1909. IF:2.484 21. Tugni C, Sansoni J, Vanacore N, Valente D, Galeoto G. Rehabilitation effects in patients with total hip replacement: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2019;70(4):205-218. 2019 22. Tofani M, Berardi A, Sansoni J, Galeoto G, Valente D. Validity and responsiveness of the psychosocial impact of assistive device scale in hip arthroplasty patients. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2019;70(4):193-197. 23. Berardi A, Saffioti M, Tofani M, Nobilia M, Culicchia G, Valente D, et al. Internal consistency and validity of the Jebsen-Taylor hand function test in an Italian population with hemiparesis. NeuroRehabilitation 2019;45(3):331-339. IF: 1.654 24. Galeoto G, Formica MC, Mercuri NB, Santilli V, Berardi A, Castiglia SF, et al. Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Barthel index in an Italian ischemic stroke population in the acute phase: A cross-sectional study. Funct Neurol 2019;34(1):29-34. 25. Galeoto G, Berardi A, Pizzi C, Farina I, Sansoni J. Evaluation of the Disciplinary Competences of the Students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy at “Sapienza” University of Rome Through the TECO: A Cross-Sectional Study. Commun Comput Info Sci 2019;1011:93-102. 26. Nobilia M, Culicchia G, Tofani M, De Santis R, Savona A, Guarino D, et al. Italian version of the jebsen-taylor hand function test for the assessment of hand disorders: A cross-sectional study. Am J Occup Ther 2019;73(3). IF: 2.231 27. Tofani M, Nobilia M, Culicchia G, Esposito G, Savona A, Tashi I, et al. The Italian version of rheumatoid arthritis pain scale (IT-RAPS): Psychometric properties on community and clinical samples. Reumatismo 2019;71(1):13-18. 28. Galeoto G, Rumiati R, Sabella M, Sansoni J. The use of a dedicated platform to evaluate health-professions university courses. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2019;804:275-284. 29. Galeoto G, Piepoli V, Ciccone E, Mollica R, Federici C, Magnifica F, et al. Musculoskeletal Health Questionnaire: Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Italian version (MSK-HQ-I). Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 2019;9(2):295-303. 30. Berardi A, Biondillo A, Màrquez MA, De Santis R, Fabbrini G, Tofani M, et al. Validation of the short version of the Van Lieshout Test in an Italian population with cervical spinal cord injuries: a cross-sectional study. Spinal Cord 2019;57(4):339-345. IF:1.773 31. Galeoto G, Iori F, De Santis R, Santilli V, Mollica R, Marquez MA, et al. The outcome measures for loss of functionality in the activities of daily living of adults after stroke: a systematic review. Top Stroke Rehabil 2019;26(3):236-245. IF:1.897 32. Savona A, Ferralis L, Saffioti M, Tofani M, Nobilia M, Culicchia G, et al. Evaluation of intra- and inter-rater reliability and concurrent validity of the Italian version of the Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. Hand Ther 2019;24(2):48-54. 33. Tofani M, Massai P, Fabbrini G, Berardi A, Pelosin E, Conte A, et al. Psychometric properties of the italian version of the barthel index in patients with parkinson’s disease: A reliability and validity study. Funct Neurol 2019;34(3):145-150. 34. Romagnoli G, Leone A, Romagnoli G, Sansoni J, Tofani M, De Santis R, et al. Occupational Therapy's efficacy in children with Asperger's syndrome: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Clin Ter 2019;170(5):e382-e387. 35. Mori L, Putzolu M, Bonassi G, Galeoto G, Mezzarobba S, Trompetto C, et al. Haptic perception of verticality correlates with postural and balance deficits in patients with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2019;66:45-50. IF:3.926 36. Tofani M, Galeoto G, Cazzetta D, Berardi A, Sansoni J, Valente D. Validation of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory in an Italian population with autism spectrum disorder: A cross-sectional study. Clin Ter 2019;170(6):E460-E464. 37. Tofani M, Candeloro C, Sabbadini M, Field D, Frascarelli F, Lucibello L, et al. A study validating the Italian version of the Level of Sitting Scale in children with cerebral palsy. Clin Rehabil 2019;33(11):1810-1818. IF:2.599 38. Berardi A, Galeoto G, Guarino D, Marquez MA, De Santis R, Valente D, et al. Construct validity, test-retest reliability, and the ability to detect change of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in a spinal cord injury population. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2019;5(1). 2020 39. Description of method used by Sapienza university in Rome to deliver rehabilitation program E-courses to students following the COVID-19 emergency. Proceedings of the 14th IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2020, EL 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020; 2020. 40. Description of the method used by tor vergata university of Rome for the electronic final exam of the degree course in physiotherapy. Proceedings of the 14th IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2020, EL 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020; 2020. 41. Delivering an online course on 'health emergency from SARS-COV-2, the novel Coronavirus: Preparation and contrast' for health professions students at Italian universities. Proceedings of the 14th IADIS International Conference e-Learning 2020, EL 2020 - Part of the 14th Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, MCCSIS 2020; 2020. 42. Tramontano M, Morone G, De Angelis S, Casagrande Conti L, Galeoto G, Grasso MG. Sensor-based technology for upper limb rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A randomized controlled trial. Restor Neurol Neurosci 2020;38(4):333-341. IF:2.406 43. Ioncoli M, Berardi A, Tofani M, Panuccio F, Servadio A, Valente D, et al. Crosscultural Validation of the Community Integration Questionnaire-Revised in an Italian Population. Occup Ther Int 2020;2020. IF: 1.448 44. Tramontano M, Casagrande Conti L, Marziali N, Agostini G, De Angelis S, Galeoto G, et al. Hand robotics rehabilitation in patients with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2020;1241 AISC:50-57. 45. Panuccio F, Berardi A, Marquez MA, Messina MP, Valente D, Tofani M, et al. Development of the Pregnancy and Motherhood Evaluation Questionnaire (PMEQ) for evaluating and measuring the impact of physical disability on pregnancy and the management of motherhood: a pilot study. Disabil Rehabil 2020. IF:3.033 46. Galeoto G, Aloisi A, Mollica R, Servadio A, Santilli V, Vanacore N. An evaluation of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in physiotherapists: A systematic review. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 2020;42(1):16-28. 47. Cavalleri E, Servadio A, Berardi A, Tofani M, Galeoto G. The effectiveness of physiotherapy in idiopathic or primary frozen shoulder: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 2020;10(1):24-39. 48. Galeoto G, Turriziani S, Berardi A, Sansoni J, Santilli V, Mascio M, et al. Levels of Cognitive Functioning Assessment Scale: Italian cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Ann Ig Med Prev Comunita 2020;32(1):16-26. 49. Anna B, Giovanni G, Marco T, Massimiliano M, Serena R, Arianna D, et al. The Validity of Rasterstereography as a Technological Tool for the Objectification of Postural Assessment in the Clinical and Educational Fields: Pilot Study. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2020; 1008:55-62. 50. Paterniani A, Farina I, Galeoto G, Quaranta C, Sperati F, Sansoni J. Electronic Test of Competence Administration: Qualitative Evaluation of Students’ Satisfaction on Telematic Platform a Cross Sectional Study. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2020; 1008:47-54. 51. Farina I, Paterniani A, Galeoto G, Sorrentino M, Marucci AR, Sansoni J. High-Fidelity Simulation Type Technique Efficient for Learning Nursing Disciplines in the Courses of Study: An Integrative Review. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2020; 1008:71-76. 52. Silvia S, Marco T, Giovanni F, Antonio L, Anna B, Julita S, et al. Effectiveness of SaeboReJoyce in the Evaluation of the Improvement of the Occupational Performance in Parkinson’s Disease: An Outcome Research. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2020; 1008:63-70. 53. Di Filippo S, Servadio A, Bellucci P, Fabbrini G, Niolu C, De Santis R, et al. Validation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Volitional Questionnaire in an Italian Population with Psychiatric Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Study. Occup Ther Health Care 2020;34(1):19-31. 54. Tofani M, Candeloro C, Sabbadini M, Lucibello L, Figura M, Fabbrini G, et al. The psychosocial impact of assistive device scale: Italian validation in a cohort of nonambulant people with neuromotor disorders. Assistive Technol 2020;32(1):54-59. IF:2.421 55. Ponti A, Berardi A, Galeoto G, Marchegiani L, Spandonaro C, Marquez MA. Quality of life, concern of falling and satisfaction of the sit-ski aid in sit-skiers with spinal cord injury: Observational study. Spinal Cord Ser Cases 2020;6(1). 56. Dattoli S, Colucci M, Soave MG, De Santis R, Segaletti L, Corsi C, et al. Evaluation of pelvis postural systems in spinal cord injury patients: Outcome research. J Spinal Cord Med 2020;43(2):185-192. IF:1.985 57. Viglianese S, Servadio A, Maggi G, Mollica R, Valente D, Galeoto G. Multi-disciplinary Rehabilitation Outcome Checklist: Italian validation of an instrument for risk of discharge in patients with total hip and/or knee replacement. J Orthop Traum Rehabil 2020;27(1):16-22. 58. Amedoro A, Berardi A, Conte A, Pelosin E, Valente D, Maggi G, et al. The effect of aquatic physical therapy on patients with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Mult Scler Relat Disord 2020;41. IF:4.339 59. Berardi A, Galeoto G, Valente D, Conte A, Fabbrini G, Tofani M. Validity, and reliability of the 12-item Berg Balance Scale in an Italian population with Parkinson’s disease: A cross sectional study. Arq Neuro-Psiquiatr 2020;78(7):419-423. IF:1.420 60. Rossi G, Galeoto G, Amitrano A, Berardi A, Tofani M, Celletti C, et al. Development and validation of a new mealtime assessment tool (MAT) for patients with dysphagia: A cross sectional study. Clin Ter 2020;171(4):e346-E356. 61. Tofani M, Castelli E, Sabbadini M, Berardi A, Murgia M, Servadio A, et al. Examining Reliability and Validity of the Jebsen-Taylor Hand Function Test Among Children With Cerebral Palsy. Percept Mot Skills 2020;127(4):684-697. IF: 1.647 62. Panico M, Galeoto G, Bartoli V, Valentino J, Berardi A, Tofani M, et al. Non-arthritic Hip Score: Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Italian version. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2020;71(3):111-116. 63. Negrau AE, Roccia L, Romanini E, Magaletti M, Berardi A, Servadio A, et al. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the italian version of the Copenhagen hip and groin outcome score. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2020;71(3):98-103. 64. Crespi D, Descontus A, Berardi A, Servadio A, Mollica R, Tofani M, et al. Validation and cultural adaptation of the cincinnati knee rating system in the italian population: A cross sectional study. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2020;71(3):87-92. 65. Castro DDI, Passarani R, Romanini E, Magaletti M, Berardi A, Servadio A, et al. Validity and reliability of the psychometric properties of the 12-item berg balance scale (BBS-12) in the italian population with hip or knee prosthesis: A cross sectional study. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2020;71(3):104-110. 66. Galeoto G, Polidori AM, Spallone M, Mollica R, Berardi A, Vanacore N, et al. Evaluation of physiotherapy and speech therapy treatment in patients with apraxia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clin Ter 2020;171(5): e454-e465. 67. Monti M, Marquez MA, Berardi A, Tofani M, Valente D, Galeoto G. The Multiple Sclerosis Intimacy and Sexuality Questionnaire (MSISQ-15): validation of the Italian version for individuals with spinal cord injury. Spinal Cord 2020;58(10):1128-1133. IF: 2.772 68. Miniera F, Berardi A, Panuccio F, Valente D, Tofani M, Galeoto G. Measuring Environmental Barriers: Validation and Cultural Adaptation of the Italian Version of the Craig Hospital Inventory of Environmental Factors (CHIEF) Scale. Occup Ther Health Care 2020;34(4):373-385. 69. D'Angelo A, Ceccanti M, Fiore M, Petrella C, Greco A, Porrari R, et al. Pregnancy in women with physical and intellectual disability: Psychiatric implications. Riv Psichiatr 2020;55(6):331-336. IF: 1.911 70. Tofani M, Ranieri A, Fabbrini G, Berardi A, Pelosin E, Valente D, et al. Efficacy of Occupational Therapy Interventions on Quality of Life in Patients with Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Mov Disord Clin Pract 2020;7(8):891-901. 71. Panuccio F, Galeoto G, Marquez MA, Grassi ML, Scialpi A, Tofani M, et al. General Sleep Disturbance Scale (GSDS-IT) in people with spinal cord injury: a psychometric study. Spinal Cord 2020;58(11):1183-1188. IF: 2.772 72. Angelini F, Galeoto G, Politi S, Aloisi A, Berardi A, Tofani M, et al. Functional rating index: Translation, cultural adaptation and validation of the Italian version. Minerva Ortop Traumatol 2020;71(4):185-189. 73. Carosi M, Galeoto G, Gennaro SD, Berardi A, Valente D, Servadio A. Transcultural reliability, and validity of an Italian language version of the Constant–Murley Score. J Orthop Traum Rehabil 2020;27(2):186-191. 2021 74. Ruotolo I, Berardi A, Sellitto G, Panuccio F, Polimeni A, Valente D, et al. Criterion Validity and Reliability of SF-12 Health Survey Version 2 (SF-12v2) in a Student Population during COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Study. Depression Res Treat 2021;2021. 75. Galeoto G, Rumiati R, Sabella M, Valente D, Tofani M, Berardi A, et al. Internal Consistency and Discriminant Validity of the TECO in the bachelor’s degree Course in Physiotherapy at the “Sapienza” University of Rome: A Cross Sectional Study. Commun Comput Info Sci 2021; 1428:153-160. 76. Valente D, Guerriero A, Polimeni A, Galeoto G, Berardi A, Tofani M, et al. Description of E-learning in Nursing Education: A Seven-Year Experience at Sapienza University of Rome. Commun Comput Info Sci 2021; 1428:101-108. 77. Galeoto G, Berardi A, Rumiati R, Sabella M, Polimeni A, Valente D, et al. The Responsiveness and Minimal Detective Change of the Disciplinary TECO in Nursing Students of Sapienza University of Rome: A Cross Sectional Study. Commun Comput Info Sci 2021; 1428:161-168. 78. Sellitto G, Morelli A, Bassano S, Conte A, Baione V, Galeoto G, et al. Outcome measures for physical fatigue in individuals with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 2021;21(4):625-646. IF:2.217 79. Magnifica F, Colagrossi F, Aloisi A, Politi S, Peretti A, Berardi A, et al. Italian version of the cornell musculoskeletal discomfort questionnaire (CMDQ-I): Translation, cultural adaptation and validation. Work 2021;69(1):119-125. IF:1.505 80. Berardi A, Panuccio F, Pilli L, Tofani M, Valente D, Galeoto G. Evaluation instruments for executive functions in children and adolescents: a systematic review. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 2021;21(5):885-896. IF:2.217 81. Cerone M, Tofani M, Fabbrini G, Marcellini G, Berardi A, Conti C, et al. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Scale A-ONE: An Italian Cross-Sectional Study. Occup Ther Int 2021;2021. IF:1.448 82. Flocco P, Galeoto G. Effect of blood flow restriction training on physiological outcomes in healthy athletes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 2021;11(1):101-117. 83. Miccio S, Berardi A, Tofani M, Galeoto G. Conservative rehabilitation treatments of iliotibial band syndrome: A systematic review. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J 2021;11(1):29-40. 84. Sulli S, Scala L, Berardi A, Conte A, Baione V, Belvisi D, et al. The efficacy of rehabilitation in people with Guillain-Barrè syndrome: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Expert Rev Neurother 2021;21(4):455-461. IF: 4.618 85. Sansoni J, Farina I, Paterniani A, Tofani M, Galeoto G. Evaluation of the disciplinary competences of the students of the bachelor’s degree in Nursing at 'Sapienza' University of Rome through the TECO: A cross-sectional study. Int J Learn Chang 2021;13(1):81-91. 86. Marquez MA, Galeoto G, Berardi A, Tofani M, Mangone M, Colangelo P. The Use of Two-Dimensional Landmark-Based Geometric Morphometrics to Assess Spinal and Vertebral Malformations in Individuals with Spinal Cord Injuries: A Pilot Study. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2021; 1183:312-320. 87. Barbina D, Galeoto G, Guerrera D, Di Pucchio A, Carbone P, Santilli V, et al. E-learning Course for Healthcare Professionals: Continuing Education for Idiopathic Scoliosis. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2021; 1183:364-373. 88. Berardi A, Regoli E, Tofani M, Valente D, Fabbrini G, Fabbrini A, et al. Tools to assess the quality of life in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res 2021;21(1):55-68. IF:2.217 89. Rossi G, Galeoto G, Amitrano A, Leonetti E, Flammini L, Tofani M, et al. Reliability of the kinovea bidimensional system for measuring buccal movement in a sample of italian adults. Adv Intell Sys Comput 2021; 1184:184-193. 90. Berardi A, Galeoto G, Lucibello L, Panuccio F, Valente D, Tofani M. Athletes with disability’ satisfaction with sport wheelchairs: an Italian cross-sectional study. Disabil Rehabil Assistive Technol 2021;16(4):420-424. IF: 2.500 91. Giuriati S, Servadio A, Temperoni G, Curcio A, Valente D, Galeoto G. The effect of aquatic physical therapy in patients with stroke: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Top Stroke Rehabil 2021;28(1):19-32. IF:2.119 92. Colucci M, Tofani M, Trioschi D, Guarino D, Berardi A, Galeoto G. Reliability, and validity of the Italian version of Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with Assistive Technology 2.0 (QUEST-IT 2.0) with users of mobility assistive device. Disabil Rehabil Assistive Technol 2021;16(3):251-254. IF: 2.500 93. Galeoto G, Scialpi A, Grassi ML, Berardi A, Valente D, Tofani M, et al. General Sleep Disturbance Scale: Translation, cultural adaptation, and psychometric properties of the Italian version. Cranio J Craniomandibular Prac 2021;39(4):326-334. IF: 2.020 94. Panuccio F, Galeoto G, Marquez MA, Tofani M, Nobilia M, Culicchia G, et al. Internal consistency and validity of the Italian version of the Jebsen–Taylor hand function test (JTHFT-IT) in people with tetraplegia. Spinal Cord 2021;59(3):266-273. IF: 2.772 95. Galeoto G, Addolorato M, Porco S, Tancioni F, Gagliardi M, Fabbrini G, et al. Evaluating best evidence in occupational therapy for patients with hip replacement: Guidelines. G Ital Med Lav Ergon 2021;43(2):144-149. 96. Iosa M, Galeoto G, De Bartolo D, Russo V, Ruotolo I, Spitoni GF, et al. Italian version of the pittsburgh rehabilitation participation scale: Psychometric analysis of validity and reliability. Brain Sci 2021;11(5). IF: 3.200 97. Galeoto G, Berardi A, Panuccio F, Tofani M, Mazzaccara A, Palese A, et al. Development and validation of a test for the assessment of knowledge learned by healthcare students during an online course on COVID-19: Cross-sectional study. Clin Ter 2021;172(4):284-304. 98. GALEOTO G, GIANNINI E, RUOTOLO I, RAMIERI A, DEMEO D, VILLANI C, et al. Spinal appearance questionnaire: Italian cross-cultural adaptation and validation. Minerva Orthopedics 2021;72(4):412-417. 99. Tramontano M, De Angelis S, Galeoto G, Cucinotta MC, Lisi D, Botta RM, et al. Physical therapy exercises for sleep disorders in a rehabilitation setting for neurological patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Brain Sci 2021;11(9). IF: 3.200 100. Fabbri B, Berardi A, Tofani M, Panuccio F, Ruotolo I, Sellitto G, et al. A systematic review of the psychometric properties of the Jebsen–Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT). Hand Surg Rehabil 2021;40(5):560-567. IF: 0.969 101. Tofani, M., Blasetti, G., Lucibello, L., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Sabbadini, M., Santecchia, L., Castelli, E. An Italian Validation of ABILHAND-Kids for Children with Cerebral Palsy (2021) Perceptual and Motor Skills. IF:1.647 102. Galeoto, G., D'Elpidio, G., Alvaro, R., Zicari, A.M., Valente, D., Riccio, M. Internal consistency, responsiveness and minimal detectable change of the TECO in the bachelor's degree course in pediatric nursing at the “Sapienza” University of Rome: a cross sectional study 2021) 18th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2021, pp. 269-275. 103. Berardi, A., Ruotolo, I., Sellitto, G., Panuccio, F., Polimeni, A., Valente, D., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G. Criterion validity and reliability of Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in a student population during covid-19 pandemic (2021) 18th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age, CELDA 2021, pp. 71-78. 104. Martucci, M., Fava, G., Giacchetti, N., Aceti, F., Galeoto, G., Panfili, M., Sogos, C. Perinatal depression as a risk factor for child developmental disorders: A cross-sectional study [La depressione perinatale, un fattore di rischio per lo sviluppo del bambino: Uno studio caso-controllo] (2021) Rivista di Psichiatria, 56 (6), pp. 321-327. IF:1.911 105. Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Grassi, M.L., Scialpi, A., Valente, D., Tofani, M., Paoloni, M. Sleep disturbances and functional independence improvement in a population of individuals hospitalized in intensive rehabilitation units: Observational study (2021) Advances in Rehabilitation, 35 (4), pp. 17-24. 106. Sirufo, M.M., Catalogna, A., Raggiunti, M., De Pietro, F., Galeoto, G., Bassino, E.M., Ginaldi, L., De Martinis, M. Capillaroscopic evidence of microvascular damage in volleyball players(2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (20), art. no. 1060 IF:3.390 107. Gragnaniello, M., Celletti, C., Resca, A., Galeoto, G., Camerota, F.Italian Version of the YQOL-DHH Questionnaire: Translation and Cross-cultural Adaptation(2021) OTO Open, 5 (4), . 108. Greco, C., Romani, M., Berardi, A., De Vita, G., Galeoto, G., Giovannone, F., Vigliante, M., Sogos, C. Morphing task: The emotion recognition process in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (24), art. no. 13273. IF:3.390 109. Tofani, M., Berardi, A., Marceca, M., Valente, D., Mazzaccara, A., Polimeni, A., Galeoto, G. Fighting covid-19 contagion among university students of healthcare professions: An italian cross-sectional study (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (23), art. no. 12676. IF:3.390 110. Tofani, M., Blasetti, G., Lucibello, L., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Sabbadini, M., Santecchia, L., Castelli, E. An Italian Validation of ABILHAND-Kids for Children With Cerebral Palsy (2021) Perceptual and Motor Skills, 128 (6), pp. 2605-2620. IF:1.647 111. Montesano, G., Scalercio, E., Panuccio, F., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G. Northeastern State University College of Optometry (NSUCO) Oculomotor Test: Cultural adaptation and assessment of psychometric properties in the Italian language (2021) Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 180 (11), pp. 738-744. 112. Tofani, M., Esposito, G., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Iorio, S., Marceca, M. Community-based rehabilitation indicators: Validation and preliminary evidence for disability in Italy (2021) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (21), art. no. 11256. IF:3.390 2022 113. Banzato, A., Cerchiari, A., Pezzola, S., Ranucci, M., Scarfò, E., Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Functional Chewing Training Compared with Standard Treatment in a Population of Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials (2022) Children, 9 (12), art. no. 1876, IF:3.175 114. Marquez, M.A., Speroni, A., Galeoto, G., Ruotolo, I., Sellitto, G., Tofani, M., Gonzàlez-Bernal, J., Berardi, A. The Moorong Self Efficacy Scale: translation, cultural adaptation, and validation in Italian; cross sectional study, in people with spinal cord injury (2022) Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 8 (1), art. no. 22, 115. Panuccio, F., Galeoto, G., Valente, D., Ioncoli, M., Marquez, M.A., Tofani, M., Berardi, A. Psychometric properties of the Community Integration Questionnaire – Revised (CIQ-R) in an Italian population with spinal cord injury (2022) Spinal Cord Series and Cases, 8 (1), art. no. 18, 116. Fortuna, D., Mollica, R., Berardi, A., Valente, D., Galeoto, G. Preventive treatment of adductor injury (2022) Minerva Orthopedics, 73 (5), pp. 473-480. 117. Tofani, M., Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Iorio, S., Conte, A., Fabbrini, G., Valente, D., Marceca, M. Measuring Disability among Migrants with Washington Group Tools: Reflections for Field Use (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (10), art. no. 1860. IF:3.160 118. Manzotti, A., Zanini, S., Colaceci, S., Giovannini, N., Antonioli, A., Ziglioli, A., Frontani, F., Galeoto, G. Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the Pregnancy Mobility Index for the Italian Population: A Cross-Sectional Study (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (10), art. no. 1971. IF:3.160 119. Giordani, G., De Angelis, S., Parisi, A.I., D’amico, A.C., Di Re, M., Liumbruno, C., Tamburella, F., Lisi, D., Galeoto, G., Tramontano, M. Manual Physiotherapy Combined with Pelvic Floor Training in Women Suffering from Stress Urinary Incontinence and Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Preliminary Study (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (10), art. no. 2031. IF:3.160 120. Arcidiacone, S., Panuccio, F., Tusoni, F., Galeoto, G. A systematic review of the measurement properties of the Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ) [Examen systématique des propriétés de mesure du Michigan Hand Outcomes Questionnaire (MHQ)] (2022) Hand Surgery and Rehabilitation, 41 (5), pp. 542-551. IF:1.419 121. Giangiacomo, E., Visaggi, M.C., Aceti, F., Giacchetti, N., Martucci, M., Giovannone, F., Valente, D., Galeoto, G., Tofani, M., Sogos, C. Early Neuro-Psychomotor Therapy Intervention for Theory of Mind and Emotion Recognition in Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Pilot Study (2022) Children, 9 (8), art. no. 1142. IF:3.175 122. Mignolli, E., Scialpi, A., Valente, D., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Tofani, M. Sleep Disturbance Scale for Children: Italian Validation in Autism Spectrum Disorder Population (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (16), art. no. 10163. IF:4.477 123. Scialpi, A., Mignolli, E., De Vito, C., Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Valente, D., Galeoto, G. Italian Validation of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) in a Population of Healthy Children: A Cross Sectional Study (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (15), art. no. 9132. IF:4.477 124. Ruotolo, I., Sellitto, G., Ianniello, A., Petsas, N., Castelli, L., Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Barletta, V., Conte, A., Pozzilli, C. Italian translation and validation of fatigue symptoms and impacts questionnaire in relapsing multiple sclerosis (FSIQ-RMS) (2022) Neurological Sciences, 43 (8), pp. 4925-4932. IF:3.830 125. Ruffini, M., Berardi, A., Benvenuti, A., Beaudry-Bellefeuille, I., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G., Valente, D. Italian Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Toileting Habit Profile Questionnaire Revised (THPQ-R) in Typically Developing Children: A Cross-Sectional Study (2022) Children, 9 (7), art. no. 1052. IF:3.175 126. Manzari, L., De Angelis, S., Princi, A.A., Galeoto, G., Tramontano, M. The Clinical Use of the Suppression Head Impulse Paradigm in Patients with Vestibulopathy: A Systematic Review (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (7), art. no. 1182. IF:3.160 127. Galeoto, G., Mignolli, E., Tofani, M., Sogos, C., Servadio, A., Valente, D., Berardi, A. Evaluation of test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Italian version of the pediatric evaluation of disability inventory in children with down syndrome: A cross-sectional study (2022) Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 15 (3), pp. 487-497. 128. Billi, M., Greco, A., Colonneli, P., Volpi, G., Valente, D., Galeoto, G. The functional manual therapy intervention in infants with non-synostotic plagiocephaly: a pilot study (2022) Minerva Pediatrics, 74 (3), pp. 294-300. IF:2.387 129. Berardi, A., Graziosi, G., Ferrazzano, G., Casagrande Conti, L., Grasso, M.G., Tramontano, M., Conte, A., Galeoto, G. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Revised Piper Fatigue Scale in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (6), art. no. 985. IF:3.160 130. Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Colalelli, F., Valente, D., Sellitto, G., Ruotolo, I., Galeoto, G. The psychometric properties of the Italian version of the PEDro Scale (2022) Gazzetta Medica Italiana Archivio per le Scienze Mediche, 181 (5), pp. 357-365. 131. Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Colalelli, F., Pelosin, E., Mezzarobba, S., Avanzino, L., Valente, D., Tofani, M., Fabbrini, G. Correlation between Quality of Life and severity of Parkinson's Disease by assessing an optimal cut-off point on the Parkinson's Disease questionnaire (PDQ-39) as related to the Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) scale (2022) Clinica Terapeutica, 173 (3), pp. 243-248. 132. Tofani, M., Santecchia, L., Conte, A., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Sogos, C., Petrarca, M., Panuccio, F., Castelli, E. Effects of Mirror Neurons-Based Rehabilitation Techniques in Hand Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2022) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (9), art. no. 5526. IF:4.477 133. Di Nucci, D., Mollica, R., Berardi, A., Valente, D., Ruotolo, I., Galeoto, G. Validity and reliability of the FreBaQ in the italian students of the degree courses of health profession during the lockdown due to the cOVid-19 pandemic: a cross sectional study (2022) Minerva Orthopedics, 73 (2), pp. 225-229. 134. Berardi, A., Conte, A., Cimmino, L., Cimmino, C., Baione, V., Crisafulli, S.G., Tofani, M., Tartaglia, M., Fabbrini, G., Galeoto, G. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) in a Population of Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis (2022) Frontiers in Neurology, 13, art. no. 847786. IF:4.086 135. Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Pasquali, F., Baione, V., Crisafulli, S.G., Tofani, M., Tartaglia, M., Fabbrini, G., Conte, A. Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of Jebsen Taylor Hand Function Test (JTHFT) in Italian Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis (2022) Frontiers in Neurology, 13, art. no. 847807. IF:4.086 136. Berardi, A., Di Napoli, G., Ernesto, M., Fabbrini, G., Conte, A., Ferrazzano, G., Viselli, F., Galeoto, G. The Effectiveness of Equine Therapy Intervention on Activities of Daily Living, Quality of Life, Mood, Balance and Gait in Individuals with Parkinson’s Disease (2022) Healthcare (Switzerland), 10 (3), art. no. 561. IF:3.160 137. Galeoto, G., Marquez, M.A., Ottone, L., Sellitto, G., Panuccio, F., Gonzàlez-Bernal, J., Tofani, M., Berardi, A. Intermittent Catheterization Adherence Scale (ICAS): Italian translation, cultural adaptation and validation (2022) Signa Vitae, 18 (2), pp. 56-62. IF:0.907 138. Zaccaria, V., Maggi, S., Bof, A., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G., Ardizzone, I. Validation of the Italian version of the clinician affective reactivity index (CL-ARI) (2022) Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. IF:2.099 139. Tramontano, M., Polo, N., Bustos, A.O., Lisi, D., Galeoto, G., Farsetti, P. Changes in neurorehabilitation management during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review (2022) NeuroRehabilitation, 51 (1), pp. 23-32. IF:1.986 140. Bakaniene, I., Dominiak-Świgoń, M., Meneses da Silva Santos, M.A., Pantazatos, D., Grammatikou, M., Montanari, M., Virgili, I., Galeoto, G., Flocco, P., Bernabei, L., Prasauskiene, A. Challenges of online learning for children with special educational needs and disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review (2022) Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability. IF:1.951 141. Panuccio, F., Galeoto, G., Tofani, M., Marquez, M.A., Celli, L., Berardi, A. Development and Validation of a Progress Test in Occupational Therapy Degree Courses: A Cross-Sectional Study (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1595 CCIS, pp. 227-235. 142. Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Panuccio, F., Poggi, A.D., Tofani, M., Valente, D. Delivering an Online Course on ‘COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign: Administration in Safety of the Anti SARS-COV 2/COVID-19 VACCINE’ for Nursing Students at Italian Universities (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1595 CCIS, pp. 185-191. 143. Galeoto, G., Berardi, A., Alatri, F., Giannini, M.T., Tofani, M., Valente, D. Test of Competencies (TECO) in the Bachelor’s Degree Course in Psycho and Neurodevelopmental Therapy at the “Sapienza” University of Rome: Cross Sectional Study Internal Consistency and Discriminant Validity (2022) Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1595 CCIS, pp. 207-215. 144. Tofani, M., Berardi, A., Iorio, S., Galeoto, G., Marceca, M. Exploring global needs of migrants with disability within a community-based inclusive development perspective (2022) Annali dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanita, 58 (2), pp. 124-130. IF:2.210 145. Fumagalli, S., Borrelli, S.E., Galeoto, G., Panuccio, F., Pignataro, C., Gottardi, M., Nespoli, A. Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the perceptions of empowerment in midwifery practice scale-revised (PEMS-R-IT) in midwives (2022) European Journal of Midwifery, 6 (May), art. no. 30. 146. Tofani, M., Scarcella, L., Galeoto, G., Giovannone, F., Sogos, C. Behavioral gender differences across Pre-School Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: a cross-sectional study (2022) Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. IF:4.345 147. Cavalli, G., Galeoto, G., Sogos, C., Berardi, A., Tofani, M. The efficacy of executive function interventions in children with autism spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2022) Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 22 (1), pp. 77-84. IF:4.287 148. Panuccio, F., Berardi, A., Marquez, M.A., Messina, M.P., Valente, D., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G. Development of the Pregnancy and Motherhood Evaluation Questionnaire (PMEQ) for evaluating and measuring the impact of physical disability on pregnancy and the management of motherhood: a pilot study (2022) Disability and Rehabilitation, 44 (8), pp. 1474-1480. IF: 2.439 2023 149. Loreti, S., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G.Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation, and Validation of the Foot Posture Index (FPI-6)—Italian Version(2023) Healthcare (Switzerland), 11 (9), art. no. 1325. IF: 3.160 150. Tamburlani, M., Cuscito, R., Servadio, A., Galeoto, G. Effectiveness of Respiratory Rehabilitation in COVID-19’s Post-Acute Phase: A Systematic Review (2023) Healthcare (Switzerland), 11 (8), art. no. 1071. IF: 3.160 151. Tofani, M., Iorio, S., Berardi, A., Galeoto, G., Conte, A., Fabbrini, G., Valente, D., Marceca, M. Disability, Rehabilitation, and Assistive Technologies for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Italy: Policies and Challenges (2023) Societies, 13 (3), art. no. 63. 152. Castaldo, M., De Angelis D’Ossat, A., Gnessi, P., Galeoto, G. A Systematic Review on Low-Level Laser Therapy in the Management of Shoulder Impingement Syndrome (2023) Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 13 (6), art. no. 3536. IF: 2.838 153. Jiménez-Barrios, M., González-Bernal, J., Cubo, E., Gabriel-Galán, J.M., García-López, B., Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G., Matthews, M.J.A., Santamaría-Peláez, M., González-Santos, J. Functionality and Quality of Life with Parkinson’s Disease after Use of a Dynamic Upper Limb Orthosis: A Pilot Study (2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (6), art. no. 4995. 154. Grassi, M.L., Valente, D., Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G. Validation and Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of Two Irritability-Measuring Tools: The Affective Reactivity Index (ARI) and the Born-Steiner Irritability Scale (BSIS) in the Italian Adult and Adolescent Populations (2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (5), art. no. 4607. 155. Vázquez-Sánchez, F., Lloria-Gil, M.D.C., Gómez-Menéndez, A.I., Isidro-Mesas, F., Echavarría-Íñiguez, A., Martín-Alonso, J., González-Bernal, J., González-Santos, J., Berardi, A., Tofani, M., Galeoto, G., García-López, B. The Role of Magnetic Transcranial Stimulation in the Diagnosis and Post-Surgical Follow-Up of Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy (2023) International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20 (4), art. no. 3690 156. Mezzarobba, S., Cosentino, C., Putzolu, M., Panuccio, F., Fabbrini, G., Valente, D., Costi, S., Galeoto, G., Pelosin, E. Assessment of the psychometric properties of the Italian version of the New Freezing of Gait Questionnaire (NFOG-Q-IT) in people with Parkinson disease: a validity and reliability study (2023) Neurological Sciences IF: 3.830 157. Serra, G., Ruotolo, I., Berardi, A., Carlizza, A., Galeoto, G. The Effect of Hydrokinetic Therapy on Patients with Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (2023) Muscles, Ligaments and Tendons Journal, 13 (1), pp. 90-102. 158. Palladino, L., Ruotolo, I., Berardi, A., Carlizza, A., Galeoto, G. Efficacy of aquatic therapy in people with spinal cord injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2023) Spinal Cord. IF: 2.473 159. De Salve, R., Romanelli, S., Frontani, F., Policastro, F., Berardi, A., Valente, D., Galeoto, G. Translation and Cultural Adaptation of the StimQ for Use with Italian Children from Kindergartens (2023) Children, 10 (1), art. no. 109. IF: 2.835 160. 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AIFI Lazio e SIFIR “il fisioterapista tra formazione, ricerca e pratica clinica il contributo delle tesi di laurea in fisioterapia” Roma 17 marzo 2012 6. 2° congresso nazionale SIF “Indicazioni cliniche in fisioterapia dell’analisi strumentale del movimento” Torino, 8-9 giugno 2012 7. ASSFEF “Strategie di ragionamento clinico in riabilitazione: dalla valutazione alla gestione del paziente” Roma, 15 marzo 2013 8. XXXVI GIS chirurgia vertebrale “Corso per Fisioterapisti” Bologna 18 maggio 2013 9. ROME REHABILITATION 2013 “Riabilitazione: le luci delle certezze, le ombre delle controversie Case report: non sempre è come sembra” Roma 20-21-22 giugno 2013 10. Tor Vergata “Approccio Terapeutico Integrato al Trattamento della lombalgia cronica aspecifica” 21 settembre 2013 11. Tor Vergata “Approccio Terapeutico Integrato al trattamento del dolore cervicale” 30 novembre 2013 12. Tor Vergata “La metodologia della ricerca scientifica in riabilitazione “ 16 maggio 2014 13. 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International Workshop on Technology Enhanced Learning in Nursing Education Programs (8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE MIS4TEL), June 20-22, 2018 Toledo 22. 14th International Conference On Knowledge Management In Organization. 8th International Workshop. LTEC 2019, Zamora; Spain 23. 9th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning. MIS4TEL 2019, University of Salamanca Ávila, Spain 24. Proceedings of Fifth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. ICICT 2020, London, UK Fondi di ricerca 1. Anno 2017 fondi di ateneo Università Sapeinza di Roma per “Avvio alla Ricerca” Titolo: LINEA GUIDA: Il trattamento infermieristico e riabilitativo nell'intervento di protesi d'anca. 2. Anno 2017 fondi di ateneo Università Sapeinza di Roma per “Progetti Piccoli” Titolo: Sistemi di drenaggio delle urine e il controllo delle infezioni urinarie: Revisione sistematica e metanalisi. 3. Anno 2019 fondi di ateneo Università Sapeinza di Roma per “Progetti Piccoli” Titolo: Migration and dementia: clinical, neuropsychological, and cultural characterization of an emerging phenomenon. 4. Anno 2020 fondi di ateneo Università Sapienza di Roma per “Progetti Piccoli” Titolo: Contenimento dell'emergenza sanitaria da covid-19 attraverso la creazione di un corso e-learning per la formazione degli studenti dei corsi di laurea delle professioni sanitarie dell'Università Sapienza di Roma. 5. Anno 2020 Vincitore dei Fondi per la ricerca della Fondazione Salvini con un progetto dal titolo: E-POM: Evidences for Pediatric Outcome Measures” CAPACITÀ E COMPETENZE PERSONALI Acquisite nel corso della vita e della carriera ma non necessariamente riconosciute da certificati e diplomi ufficiali. MADRELINGUA ITALIANA ALTRE LINGUA INGLESE • Capacità di lettura BUONO • Capacità di scrittura Buono • Capacità di espressione orale BUONO PATENTE O PATENTI Patente