Pica Francesca

Docente a contratto esterno-Art.23 Legge 240/10 
Settore scientifico disciplinare di riferimento MICROBIOLOGIA E MICROBIOLOGIA CLINICA (MED/07)
Ateneo Università degli Studi di ROMA "Tor Vergata" 
Struttura di afferenza Dipartimento di Facoltà dipartimentale di Medicina 

Orari di ricevimento

Upon e-mail appointment


M.D., Ph.D., she is Associate Professor of Microbiology and Clinical Microbiology at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy. Fields of interest: Medical Microbiology - Infectious Diseases – Virology - Immunity and Inflammation – Chemoimmunotherapy of viral infections and tumors. Principal Investigator in several Research Projects funded by CNR, MIUR and the Italian Ministry of Health Author of over 200 publications on peer-reviewed international and national scientific journals Member of the Italian Society of Microbiology (SIM), the Italian Society of Virology (SIVISV) and CIFAPPS (Interdepartmental Centre on Training, Upgrading and Promotion of Health Professions, University of Rome Tor Vergata). Fellow of the Roman Academy of Medical and Biological Sciences, Rome, Italy